Haha, i'm really really a newbie in this world of blogging. According to wikipedia, blog is the shortened term of 'web log'. As for in the scouts boy i joined during the secondary school, log is a necesssary items in scouts. It is used along the journey to write any knowlodge and experience that may be useful in the process of making a mature scouts. But when i first see one of my mates creating his blog, most of the things that he writes is about himself, the bittersweet experience of himself along the years. Maybe it's a pride for him to do so. And i guess most people in the world will do the same things like him. Ahah, what a bubbly talk. This is the first time i write in blog, and i don't know what to say and what should be the ingredient of my blog. Loves music alot, economy, and mechanical engineering. Maybe you can give me suggestions of what should i write. I'm thinking about it, and will coming back with my own ingredients for the people mind meals.
Sorry for the broken English, i'm a Malaysian, maybe if i'm kicked to live in England, my English should be better than English kids..haha
Have a nice day,folks !